I have always been very interested in death. My mom was a very spiritual person and was very open minded to other realities, the afterlife, and synchronicities. She transitioned from this world and to the next at the age of 27. I was 10 at the time and my life changed forever. I have been very interested in exploring the meaning of life, the universe, and many levels of consciousness. Through some of my own experience and feelings and reading hundreds of books, I feel like I am discovering more each day and constantly increasing awareness. William Buhlman, an author on out of body experience, has some amazing thoughts on life and the different stages of consciousness. We are multidimensional beings that exist on many levels of reality. The body is just a vehicle that we use to have a physical experience. Upon death our consciousness shifts into a different realty, the next level. We have many energy bodies for different levels of reality. These different “bodies” are vehicles for our consciousness. Life, the world, the multiverse are complex and there is so much more!
On art and trying to be like other artists. First, there is nothing wrong with finding inspiration in other artists ‘art. I love to look at art and find tremendous inspiration. I also learn a lot from other artists in terms of technique, color combination, and design elements. The important thing to keep in mind is that we are all unique. Just like our DNA, we all have our own signature style. It is easy to look at art and think, “oh this artist is amazing and I need to create like them.” These last 3 weeks have been difficult for me. Not only have I had some extra stress due to planning a move, I have been in a creative slump which has now passed but will most likely occur again. During this slump, I tried a few different painting techniques that were inspired by other artist and I just didn’t feel good about it. I wasn’t copying or anything like that but I was using some of their style to try different techniques. This is okay to do when you are learning and exploring but always keep in mind that you are unique and your art will be unique to you. During this period I did not really like what I was creating. It just wasn’t me and it wasn’t fun. What I learned is that it is okay to appreciate and love other art but don’t try to change your style. Your style will naturally change over time but there always be a unique signature style that is yours. So remember, just be you! And in other news, I am getting ready to move in a few months. My husband is getting out of the military and we are thinking about moving to Florida. I am excited about this but also scared. I have to find a job, find an apartment, and find a good school system for my children. And then there is looking at our savings and making sure we have enough money. In addition, moving can be exhausting. So there are days where I feel super tired and just plain unmotivated. Really hoping for a smooth transition!
Let's TalkWelcome to the Let's Talk section of my website. This will be the section where interviews, discussions, and sharing will take place. We can think of this place as a private cafe on the moon. Archives
July 2020