I have always been attracted to dreamcatchers and have recently become obsessed with them. Throughout my childhood, I always wanted a big, wonderful, magical and colorful dreamcatcher in my room. They have always appeared so magical and beautiful to me. I am also very interested in Native American culture and their spiritual teachings so its no surprise that dreamcatchers would catch my attention. So what is a dreamcatcher? Well the dreamcatcher originated in the Objiwa Tribe. The Objiwa tribe is the third largest Native American tribe in North America and is located in the Northern United States and Southern Canada. It is believed that the night is filled with dreams both good and bad. The dreamcatcher was created to trap bad dreams and allow only good dreams to pass unto the sleeper. As the wind blew dreams to sleeping individuals the dreamcatcher would work its wonderful magic and prevent bad dreams from entering the sleeping person. The web located in the middle of the hoop of the dreamcatcher would capture the bad dreams. The good dreams, however would flow peacefully and with ease down the feathers and natural ornaments and into the sleepy dreamer. Upon morning sunlight, the light would cleanse the dreamcatcher and the trapped dreams would no longer exist. Wow, doesn't that just sound magical!!!!!! I really want a dreamcatcher to adorn my bedroom walls and protect me from bad dreams! Lately I have been scouring the net for dream catchers and found Rachael Rice of Cosmic American. She is a former Art teacher who now creates beautiful and amazing dreamcatchers. Her creations are simply magical. They are so colorful and full of magical energy.Check her website, its fantastic. So if you want to keep bad dreams away, place a dream catcher on your wall!! The images below are dreamcatchers created by Rachael Rice. The images along with other beautiful photographs can be found on her Flickr page and of course check out her website at www.rachael rice.com. Rachael's dreamcatchers are absolutely beautiful!!!!
Well, things are kind of tough right now. Not in a bad way though but more of just having to do with change tough. My husband is away and will be away for months because he is in the Army. In the past, it was I that was gone while serving in the Navy and my husband was the one to stay at home with our two children. Now the tables have turned....
I'll be honest, I am feeling a bit more anxious lately and I am just waiting and counting the days until he returns. I was sitting in the kitchen earlier today and was just staring at the kitchen table thinking about our new life, thinking about what my husband is doing right now and if he is okay. Waiting for a phone call....a call that has not happened yet. I don't usually do well with change. Change always aggravates my anxiety further and causes unnecessary stress. Even if the change is good I will still experience an uneasiness about it and worry. while I was thinking all this, I noticed an empty paper plate on the table. I grabbed my colorful pens and started doodling on the empty white plate. And you know what? I started to feel better. I wasn't feeling sad anymore. Interestingly, I wasn't even thinking about what I was drawing....I was just doodling without thinking about it. the process made me so much more relaxed and although this may not be a masterpiece, I feel so much better now. The simple act of engaging in an artistic project really quiets the mind and connects you to your Higher Self/Divinity/The Higher Power!!!! As the weather gets nicer and more beautiful, my kids and I are just itching to go out and have fun. The above images are pictures we took at the zoo. Now, although I am not particularly fond of the idea of holding animals in a man made environment, my two beautiful kids wanted to go to to the zoo and so we went. I have to say it was a lot of fun. Living in an urban region (10 miles from NYC), I often forget how beautiful nature can be and how we are all connected....every creature, person, tree, flowers, the breeze, you name it. We are all one and interconnected. I am reminded to take time and spend more time outside, or just to sit on the grass and listen to the beautiful songs of birds, to feel the gentle breeze as it tickles my hair, and to bathe in the healing rays of the sun. Not only to I feel at peace when I am outside, at the mountains, beach or other natural landscapes, I also feel more clear minded and more creative. And for an artist, creativity is important. So for all my readers, I urge you take a break even if its just for 10 minutes. Go outside and just sit or walk. Breathe. Or create a nature journal and let nature inspire you as you connect to the universal energy that we are part of!
Today was such a beautiful day in NJ. I was inside for most of the morning working on essays for school but had to take a break and go for a walk. It was in the 70's today, the sun was shining, and a light breeze played with my hair as I walked downtown. I made sure to take some pics of some of the scenery along the way. I really enjoyed my walk. I feel like for me walking is a form of meditation. I used to meditate everyday a few years ago but due to the busyness of life I stopped. I think walking can be my form of meditation. Its amazing how many ideas I have when I walk and how calm I become.
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July 2020