Class with Paper Fashion on Skillshare I took a fashion watercolor class on skillshare with Katie Rodgers from Paper Fashion. The class was incredible and worth the time. Although I don't usually paint and draw fashion illustration, I thought that taking the class and learning something new would be fun. Katie goes over the basic of fashion inspiration, how to select an image from fashion photos, first steps in drawing the illustration and finishing the illustration with watercolors. What I loved most about the class was that Katie shares her use of glitter, sequins and crystals in her illustrations. I will try to incorporate some of the glitter goodness into my floral and abstract paintings. The class was so much fun!
Katie Rodgers website:, Class on skillshare: ( Photo above is from Katie Rodger's website)
How art has helped me find, hope, happiness, inspiration, and connect to my inner spirituality. I love art. When I close my eyes, I see beautiful colors,delicious patterns, and shapes. For a while I felt somewhat depressed and sad but when I started practicing art and became more serious about being an artist I noticed that I became happier and full of hope. Even when times were difficult or I experienced negative situations in my life, I experienced hope because of art. Painting, drawing, and other forms of art awakened a creative energy inside of me. An energy that was waiting to awaken and become free. Art has also opened me up more to spirituality. I have always been deeply spiritual and I feel that when I practice art I open my self to a deep spiritual energy. Art helps me to feel spiritual, hopeful in times of sadness, and inspired in life. I have know come to a realization that I want to pursue art as a full time careers. I want to bring happiness to people through my art. I really believe that art is healing and that the arts can connect humanity to a more spiritual, inspirational, and rewarding life. I decided to create a vision/dream board of some artistic goals and affirmations. I had a lot of fun and encourage you to also create a vision board. Its a very meditative process and really creates a focused plan of your goals. Through the process of creating a vision board you send your goals to the universe and not only allow the universe to know but you also allow yourself to know that you are ready to take action and accomplish your goals. The above image is my vision/dream board. I used collage material that I purchased from artist Rae Missigman Collage purchase from Rae Missigman. Don't all these awesome and colorful collage pieces and paper inspire you to create some art. I know it really inspires me! And below are a few images of some artwork I have been working on. Seriously when I close my eyes, I really do see colors, patterns and art. Seems like all I can think about is art and creativity and my mind is flooded with ideas. I love it though! The above image is a watercolor abstract floral painting. This painting is part of a series of abstract paintings that I am painting for a future show at a coffee house.
Layers of Color Class with Stephanie Corfee I just signed up for an art class online by talented artist Stephanie Corfee. The class is called, Layers of Colors and you can click here to go directly to her website. She is a really talented artist and paints the most beautiful paintings in both watercolors and acrylics. I actually just discovered her recently online and decided to take her class because the style of art that I do and would like to continue doing is somewhat similar to Stephanie's. I like her aesthetic and often times I am really into bright colors and florals. So the class was perfect for me. I am having so much fun!
Stephanie's website: Stephanie's etsy shop: The above painting and two paintings below are from Stephanie Corfee's etsy shop. They are all so amazing and her class is great! (If you click on the images they will go directly to Stephanie's etsy shop) |
Let's TalkWelcome to the Let's Talk section of my website. This will be the section where interviews, discussions, and sharing will take place. We can think of this place as a private cafe on the moon. Archives
July 2020