So I love Saturday mornings because I have reserved this time for creating art and listening to my favorite podcast, Art For You Ear by The Jealous Curator and drinking some delicious hot coffee. What can be better?
Remember when life was a bit simpler? I was going through some of the blogs and designs that were popular before 2007. You know, when the internet was way smaller and reading blogs was fun and more personal. Now blogs seem to look like magazines……. beautifully curated but lacking in the personal touches and the messiness. I was in my 20’s during decade 2000-2010 and I was in the process of discovering new things, new art, new ideas. I guess I am feeling nostalgic. Nostalgic for the 90’s and the 2000’s. When social media wasn’t a thing and we still had to meet up to talk with friends. I mean don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of really great things now and of course social media has allowed me to stay in touch and rediscover old friends but I guess I am missing the simpler times.
I don’t know……..I guess I am tired of the fast paced life we live now. I miss discovering new ideas and being so inspired. I miss just going out with friends and not having a phone. I guess I don’t really have to have a phone now either but society has changed…….it is how everyone stays connected. Even jobs require a phone now. The point I am trying to make is that I feel like life is way too fast paced now and I am trying to slow down. I am trying to really find out what is important to me and what makes me happy. What is it that makes me happy? I am trying to simplify. I am trying to connect more on a personal level to others. I want to journal more, and take long walks in gardens, sit on a bench in a botanical garden and just sketch and admire the beauty around. I want to take a walk in the woods or hike up a mountain. I want to breathe fresh air and feel the beauty around me. So yes, I am really having an introspective moment. Lately I have been examining life and what it is that I want out of life. I want to surround myself with love and harmony and peace. Having recently moved to Florida, I find that I am examining what makes me smile and gives me happiness. The move has been stressful and I think that this stress has allowed me to start thinking more about what the meaning of life is and what it means to be happy. I am not gonna lie, as beautiful as Florida is, I don’t think this is the place for me. It's quite shocking. I have always thought I would love to live next to a beach and be around palm trees and now I am living near a beach with plenty of palm trees and I am not feeling satisfied. I still love the beach and palm trees but what I am finding is that I need a little more nature in my life and a little more calmness. The area I have moved to is very populated and busy and I am realizing that I need to live somewhere a little less busy. Maybe somewhere with a mountain but still close to a beach. A place with lots of trees and quaint little mom and pop shops. I cherish the unique. A place where, I can walk down the street and not feel afraid. A place full of magical gardens and flowers and foliage. Does this place exist? I think so and now I got to find it. Another aspect of life I am realizing is that I really need to either be working on my creative business full time or working on my business and having a job but a job I really really enjoy. I just can’t do anything I am not passionate about. It literally hurts me. I don’t need to be super rich or fancy, I just need to make enough from my art and my cool awesome day job to be able to live a comfortable life and be able to support myself and my children. Yes, I ultimately want to be a full-time artist and that is the goal I am working on but I do not mind working a job in addition to my art business. I just need the job to be fun and creative and inspiring. Seriously life is too short to be bored and unhappy. So yes this is a long post and I am a little all over the place but you know I just had to write this down. I had to share this on my blog (does anyone even read blogs anymore?). Hopefully I inspire someone out there that is feeling similar to what I am feeling. |
Let's TalkWelcome to the Let's Talk section of my website. This will be the section where interviews, discussions, and sharing will take place. We can think of this place as a private cafe on the moon. Archives
July 2020